

My name is Sara! I am a homeschooling mama that loves to organize. So let’s be real here sometimes the idea of organizing sounds easier than the actual implementation. I love to organize especially in homeschooling but I am no professional. This is more like a hobby for me; a labor of love of sorts.

Additionally, sometimes a great idea works really good  short-term but does not really the last long-term. I  am going to slowly share things I come across or design for organizing my crazy life. Sometimes it may be a bit more slowly than you’d like because this is not my only blog. My family and other blog come first. However, I am going to hunt down some like-minded mamas to add to the team here to help share their ideas and reviews as well.

My hope is to help other mamas in organizing their lives but also to  encourage them to enjoy it. Also to help navigate the never-ending internet and organize the resources out there that relate to family, housekeeping, and homeschool!

With the Freebie Links and Product Reviews, I will attempt to give my rating of the site.

Rating Key

***** Awesome

**** Overall Good

*** Not the best but there are a few hidden gems

** Someone may like it

*Don’t waste your time ( I probably won’t waste my time with these)