Posted in History, Holidays, Language Arts, Math, Multiple Subjects, Reading, Science, Social Studies

Watch Know Learn ***


Watch know learn is a sight that has organized some educational videos. This sight is useful if you have a specific topic you are looking for and want to find a video that goes along with that specific topic.

Additionally, it allows you create a free account to save and load videos you find for your classroom. Also, users rate the videos which help you save time rather than watching a video that is less than desirable.

However, one drawback is it redirects you. So if the site you are being redirected to has commercials you will see them. If you are like me and have a trusty ad blocker, so we don’t get any unexpected suprises, you will run into problems as some videos won’t allow you to watch them, till you watch said advertisement.

Check it out here.


Posted in History, Language Arts, Math, Multiple Subjects, Online Games, Science, Social Studies ***


This site has tons of resources. It was created by a teacher and claims to have lesson resources and games from Pre-K through 6th Grade, in Math, Language Arts, History, Geography, and Science. I first came across this site when looking for History and Geography resources.

He has created some original games which are nice. However, some of the games have the same repeated concept that can lose the interest of the kiddos quickly. Also, some of the games do not have the directions written out very clearly which can be frustrating for the first time user.

However, there are tons of games which always is a nice change for kiddos as opposed to worksheets and such. Plus it is free.  You can check it out here.


Posted in Math, Science, Social Studies, Uncategorized

Math Videos YouTube Channel ***


So like I mentioned I love math yesterday. Often I find those that love math or rather love teaching math often come up with the most creative way to make math fun! I hit the jackpot when I found this YouTube channel.

I think the channel belongs to two or three teachers. I think they teach 3rd grade although their videos cover tons of topics.

My Favorite video and the first one I discovered was their cheer about fractions. Take a look

So cute I just love it.

Another neat one is their Math fact video


I haven’t seen all their videos but I haven’t seen one yet that I didn’t like. I think you can tell that these teachers are really passionate about teaching math and other subjects. Best part it is free!
