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Teaching Textbooks ****



I love Teaching Textbooks curriculum! We tried a couple other programs and they were time-consuming, to say the least! Teaching uses what I think is a spiral pattern of teaching to math. It revisits concepts taught so the kiddos can master them and they can’t just memorize it and forget it. Also, their newer versions have a self-grading system

Also, their newer versions have a self-grading system so more time for mama-yes, please! It’s not completely hands off. You know those clever kiddos that realize you’re not checking so they just pretend they are doing it…yeah I know one.

The lessons are taught via the computer and it gives an explanation how to do missed problems. The kiddos can skip them but you can see in the grade book if they watched them and there is no skipping them in my house!

These tend to be on the really pricey end for me but they are so worth it. Trust me. They cover 3rd grade up through Pre-calculus. You can check them out here.

But if you’re cheap like me… You’ll search for the used ones. 🙂 And if you’re a rule follower like me too, don’t worry they allow their CDs to be resold an unlimited amount of times…YES! Don’t believe me? Look here, it’s on their site. But beware if you’re buying them used not all are self-grading.

Oh and I forgot, they also have a workbook for those that prefer written work rather than online work. But I don’t really worry about that my kiddos use scrap paper to get the answers to the problems.
